Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Ingegneria Gestionale (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2018/2019) - Indirizzo produzione

Elettrotecnica e Impianti elettrici

Welcome to the Virtual Classroom System of UNINETTUNO University

apprendimento collaborativo e cooperativo e socializzare in rete tramite Internet
Here you can interactively develop collaborative and cooperative learning processes and socialize online via the Internet.
The Virtual Classrooms of UNINETTUNO University are an interactive classroom system via SecondLife and Spatial that allow you to connect via videoconference with your Tutors and Professors from anywhere in the world.

To connect to the Virtual Classroom of UNINETTUNO, University, simply click on the link Access the Virtual Classroom. Accedendo in questa modalità, Accessing in this way requires no additional configuration beyond what is needed for the usual educational activities on the UNINETTUNO University portal.

Virtual Classrooms

Island of Knowledge of UNINETTUNO University on SecondLife

Events, lessons, tutorials, and seminars are also organized in the Virtual Classrooms on the Isola del Sapere of UNINETTUNO University on Second Life. Professors, Tutors, and students interact with each other through their Avatars in a three-dimensional environment specifically designed for educational experiences that allow textual, audio, and three-dimensional interactions.

To access the Island of Knowledge Classrooms of the UNINETTUNO University on SecondLife, you need to have the SecondLife software installed, which can be downloaded at:

For system requirements needed for access, a detailed page is available at

You will find the schedule of your tutoring appointments in the Web Virtual Classroom and the Virtual Classrooms on SecondLife in your Student Agenda.

UNINETTUNO University Metaverse on Spatial

Events, lessons, tutorials, and seminars are also organized in the Virtual Classrooms of the UNINETTUNO University Metaverse on Spatial. Professors, tutors, and students interact with each other through their avatars in a three-dimensional environment specifically designed for educational experiences, allowing textual, audio, and three-dimensional interactions. With this new platform, you can participate in three different modes:

  1. With a personal computer: Access the virtual environment via your computer, using a browser or a dedicated application.
  2. With a smartphone/tablet: Participate in lessons and events using your mobile device, ensuring flexibility and accessibility.
  3. With Metaquest and Metaquest2 headsets: Utilize virtual reality for an even more immersive experience, interacting naturally and intuitively with the environment and other participants.

To access the Metaverse of the UNINETTUNO University via the web, go to the page
You will find the calendar of your tutoring appointments in the Web Virtual Classroom and in the Virtual Classrooms on SecondLife in your Student Diary.

This initiative represents a significant step forward in digital education, allowing students to experience a unique and engaging learning journey.