Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economia e gestione delle imprese (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2022/2023) - Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation)

Introduction to law


ν. μαθήματος 1: Law: an introduction
   What is law

   Aims of law

   legal traditions
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ν. μαθήματος 2: Legal systems
   what is a legal system

   Democratic models

   Limits on government's power
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ν. μαθήματος 3: Oracles of law
   legal formants

   Judges and jurisdiction

   legal education
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ν. μαθήματος 4: Interpretation
   Interpretation and the law

   Objects of interpretation

   Methods of interpretation
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ν. μαθήματος 5: Values: dignity
   The impact od constitutionalism

   Juridification of dignity

   Meaning and functions
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ν. μαθήματος 6: Privacy

   legal protection of privacy

   privacy in the era of survellance
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ν. μαθήματος 7: Property - Part one
   Why protect property?

   Objects of property rights

   How is property protected
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ν. μαθήματος 8: Property - Part two
   what is public property?

   Objects and forms of public

   legal regime
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ν. μαθήματος 9: Contracts
   Binding agreements

   Formation and content

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ν. μαθήματος 10: Torts - Part one
   Aims of tort law

   Delimiting the sphere of liabiliy

   The basis of liability
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ν. μαθήματος 11: Torts - Part two
   Strict liability


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ν. μαθήματος 12: Law & new technologies
   Law and new technology: the case of digital plattforms

   Impact on consumers law

   Data protection issues
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ν. μαθήματος 13: Justice and the media
   Justice in/and the mass media

   Regulation of court related speech

   Contemporary challenges
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ν. μαθήματος 14: International Law
   what is international law

   Sources of international law

   The scope of international law in practice
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luca Francesia
ν. μαθήματος 15: International Persons

   International organizations

Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luca Francesia
ν. μαθήματος 16: Legal systems
   The romano germanic civil law system

   The anglo american law system

   The islamic law system
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luca Francesia
ν. μαθήματος 17: State Responsibility - Part one


   Causation v. Fault
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luca Francesia
ν. μαθήματος 18: State Responsibility - Part two
   Standard of care

   Objections for lacks - insurance
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luca Francesia
ν. μαθήματος 19: State Responsibility - Part three
   Environmental protection

   Regulation of pollution

   Protections of natural resources
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ν. μαθήματος 20: Dispute Settlement - Part one
   Settlement of disputes through diplomary - of disputes in international tribunals

   International center for the settlement of investment disputes
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ν. μαθήματος 21: Dispute Settlement - Part two
   Settlemenmt of dispute in municipal court

   Choice of the governing law
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ν. μαθήματος 22: Business and Organization of Multinational Enterprises
   The multinational enterprises and companies

   the foreign structure of the multinational enterprises

   the CSC Group
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luca Francesia
ν. μαθήματος 23: Regulation of Multinational Enterprises
   Internationa guidelines for ethical behavior

   US unfair competition laws

   Eu unfair competition laws
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luca Francesia