Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Business Law for the Fashion System (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2023/2024)

Law in Act for the Fashion System

Πιστώσεις: 8
Γλώσσα περιεχομένου:Αγγλικά
Περιγραφή μαθήματος

The module deals in an interdisciplinary way with the main forms of commercialization peculiar to the fashion and textile industry, and its annexes, in terms of: commercial contracting (co-branding, licensing, franchising, merchandising, sponsorships...), supply and distribution contracts (agency contract, antitrust, selective distribution), customs and transportation law, and labor law.

  1. Introduction to commercial contracting;
  2. From negotiation to drafting: getting to a deal in Fashion;
  3. The creation of the Style Guide and contracts with Designers;
  4. Manufacturing agreements and Private/White Label contracts;
  5. Partnership, co-branding, licensing, franchising, Consignment agreements;
  6. Selective distribution agreements;
  7. Apparel factoring contracts;
  8. Merchandising contracts;
  9. Sponsorship contracts;
  10. Business planning, Commercial strategy and Press relations;
  11. Showroom and PR agreements, Independent sales representation;
  12. Labor Law Issues.

Project focus /Case history (by NABA):
  1. Establishment of a brand (the licensing contract in the fashion industry, from production to distribution, limits and duties)
Βοηθός/Καθηγητή Περιοχή Καθηγητή
Beatrice Gallucci
Λίστα μαγνητοσκοπημένων παραδόσεων
Massimo Palombi
Massimo Palombi, Anna Laura Pettoello
Anna Laura Pettoello, Massimo Palombi
Maurizio Delfino
Massimo Chiais
Massimo Chiais
Claudia Schmidt
Claudia Schmidt
Patrizio Bernardo
Francesca Renzi
Bruno Cova
Francesca Petronio