Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Sciences de la Communication (Academic Year 2021/2022) - Communication Numérique d’Entreprise

Lobbying processes and public affairs


Leçon n. 1: What is lobbying Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 2: Theoretical approaches and stereotypes Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 3: Lobbying in the United States: history, institutional context, and regulation Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 4: The evolution of the European Union and its decision-making system Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 5: Lobbying at EU level Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 6: The italian constitutional system Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 7: Definitions and principles of lobbying regulation Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 8: Lobbying regulation in the Italian landscape Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 9: Lobbying laws in Italian regions Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 10: Parliamentary law, legislative processes, and spaces for lobbying Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 11: Lobbying in practice: lobbyists, framework, and method Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 12: Lobbying in practice: tools and strategies Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 13: Lobbying in practice: the budget law and the transposition of european legislation Alberto Bitonti
Leçon n. 14: Case studies: shop closures on holidays and incentives to gas-powered vehicles Alberto Bitonti