Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Èconomie et gestion des entreprises (Academic Year 2023/2024) - Economie et Gouvernance de l’Entreprise

Business Law


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Leçon n.1: The Law of Contract

Bilateral and unilateral contracts  (A.Y. 2016/2017)
bilateral contact unilateral contract offer
Leçon n.2: Sale of Goods

Leçon n.3: International Trade part I

Leçon n.4: International Trade part II

Leçon n.5: International Trade part III

Leçon n.6: Documentary Credits

Leçon n.7: The EU Single Market

Leçon n.8: North American free trade

Leçon n.9: Foreign direct investment

Leçon n.10: FDI risks

Leçon n.11: Employment law

Leçon n.12: Tax

Leçon n.13: The trademarks and copyright

Leçon n.14: Design rights and patents

Leçon n.15: Enforcing IP

Leçon n.16: Licensing IPR

Leçon n.17: Passing off and counterfeiting

Leçon n.18: Confidentiality and protecting IPR

Leçon n.19: EU Competition Law (part one)

Leçon n.20: EU Competition Law (part two)

Leçon n.21: EU Competition Law (part three)

Leçon n.22: US Anti-trust (part one)

Leçon n.23: US Anti-trust (part two)

Leçon n.24: Competition law enforcement (part one)

Leçon n.25: Competition law enforcement (part two)