Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Logistics (Academic Year 2022/2023)

Business Organization

CFU: 9
Langue du contenu:Anglais
Description du cours
The concept of ‘Business Organisation’ is dealt with how businesses are structurally shaped and how they are systematically and strategically modelled and managed. The academic aim of this module is to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to analyse how business organisations help business-people meet and support their goal functions. In this module, students will also study Organisation Management and will deal with the art of connecting people together on a common platform effectively and productively. It shall me emphasised that the module also deals with ethical and unethical behaviours in organisations. 

The aims of this unit are:


Learning about systematic models of (and their relevant strategies for) business organisations.


Characterisation of ethical and unethical behaviours in organisations.


Critical understanding of the concept of ‘Managerial Decision Making’.


Understanding how business organisations help business-people meet and support their goal functions.


Understanding International Business and the relevant Global Economy skills.

On satisfactory completion of the unit you will be able to:


Systematically (and strategically) model business organisations.


Identify various differences between [business-oriented] ethical and unethical behaviours in organisations.


Identify the variables and complexities that can affect managerial decision making.


Understand the main [business-oriented] functions of management and the skills required to manage, lead and motivate employees in organisations.


Understand the impact of the importance of international business as well as the skills needed to conduct businesses in the global economy.

Indicative Content:
  • Business Organisation

  • Organisation Management 

  • Managerial Decision-Making

  • Ethical and Unethical Behaviours

  • Global Economy



  • Tulsian, P.C. and Pandey, V. (2009): Business Organisation and Management, Pearson Education


  • Stephen Robbins and Timothy Judge: Essentials of Organizational Behavior, Pearson, 2017

  • Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Tantum Collins, et al, Portfolio: Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, 2015

  • Amy C. Edmondson: The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth, Wiley, 2018

  • Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal: Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, ‎ Jossey-Bass, 2013

Journal Resources:

Professeur/Tuteur responsable enseignement
Professeur non disponible
Liste des leçons
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan
Luca Gnan