Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Business Law for the Fashion System (Academic Year 2023/2024)

The Textile and Fashion System

CFU: 8
Langue du contenu:Anglais
Description du cours

The module provides an overview of the dynamics, composition and geography of the Italian fashion and textile supply chain, developing content related to the knowledge of districts, the history of product creation (from yarn production to retail), the role of trade associations (Sistema Moda Italia and Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana), the discovery of professional profiles in the sector, and the structure of fashion and textile companies in corporate (organizational chart) and commercial (points of sale) terms.

Completing the module is an in-depth look at international relations between Italy and major players in Asia (China, India) and the Middle East (United Arab Emirates).

  1. Made in Italy: introduction, history and contemporaneity;
  2. The textile system in Italy: structure, history, geography;
  3. Textile professions;
  4. The textile players: institutions, trade associations, events and fairs;
  5. The fashion system in Italy: structure, history, geography;
  6. The fashion professions;
  7. The actors in fashion: institutions, trade associations, events, fairs and fashion shows;
  8. The international players in textiles and fashion: financial groups, institutions, trade associations, events, fairs and fashion shows;
  9. Fashion retail: structure and outlets (traditional/online);
  10. Italy/China: production, retail and institutional relations;
  11. Italy/United Arab Emirates and Italy/India: production, retail and institutional relations;
  12. Future Perspectives

Project focus /Case history (by NABA):
The strategic combination of the elements of the marketing mix; Product Marketing--the structuring of a collection plan; Merchandising (Product/Price): the function of this corporate body and advanced control tools.
Professeur/Tuteur responsable enseignement
Marina Tonella
Liste des leçons
    •  Leçon n. 1: Made in Italy  Go to this lesson
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella
    •  Leçon n. 8: Brand  Go to this lesson
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella
    •  Leçon n. 11: Future  Go to this lesson
Marina Tonella
Marina Tonella