Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

High school Level - Mechatronics and metallurgical VET for the sectors’industries - MEMEVET

Automation and robotics

Γλώσσα περιεχομένου:Αγγλικά
Περιγραφή μαθήματος

The course develops theoretical information about Assembly and Maintenance of Automatic systems with programmable control.

The objectives of the course are: to analyze and study the methodologies and the models to design and mange the assembly lines and to define the methodologies of maintenance of automatic systems and programmable control.
A section of course is specialized on the design and use of different typologies of Robots in an Assembly Systems.
This course is composed by two submodules: 1. Assembly and maintenance of automatic systems with programmable control 2. Assembly and maintenance of Industrial Robotics.
In the first module we have the follwing structure:
1. Assembly and maintenance of automatic systems and programmable control  (10 h)
2.  AC boot systems  (7 h)
and the knowledge structure is the follow:
-The interpretation and representation of schemes of electrical machines.
-The interpretation of technical information for the maintenance of electrical machines.
- The measurement of electrical magnitudes.
- The disassembly and assembly of rotating and static electric machines.
- Tests and tests to verify the operation of electrical machines.
- Mounting of installations for the booting and maneuvering of rotary machines.
- The interpretation of security devices for both the machine and the people.
- The installation and basic programming of the programmable automaton.
- The connection and configuration of the speed regulation equipment for electric motors.
- The diagnosis and location of mechanical and electrical failures in the devices that intervene.
In the second module we have the follwing structure:
1. Types of robots and / or motion control systems (20 h)
2.  Configuration of robots (15 h)
3. Programming robots and control systems (10 h)
4. Verification of robots (15 h)
5. Diagnosis and repair of dysfunctions in robotic industrial (10 h)
and the knowledge structure is the follow:
1) Recognition of different types of robots and / or motion control systems:
a) Industrial applications have been identified in which the use of robots and movement control systems is justified.
b) The typology and characteristics of robots and industrial manipulators have been determined.
c) The electrical elements that make up a robotic system and movement control have been related to its application.
d) The mechanical systems used in the joints of robots and industrial manipulators have been recognized.
e) The electrical, pneumatic and / or oleohydraulic feeding systems required for different types of robotic applications have been identified.
f) Robots and industrial manipulators have been identified according to the required application.
2) Installation of robot installations and / or motion control systems in their environment:
a) Selection and action elements necessary to communicate robots and / or industrial manipulators with their environment have been selected.
b) Sketches and schemes of robotic systems and motion control have been made by industrial communication buses.
c) Normalized symbology has been used for the representation of the devices.
d) The security elements required in the environment of a robot have been represented.
e) The components of the robotic system and / or motion control have been connected.
f) The security measures have been taken into account.
3) Programming robots and control systems in motion.
a) The trajectory of movement of a robot has been planned.
b) The different types of signals to be processed have been identified.
c) The control sequence has been established by means of a sequential graph or a flow chart.
d) The programming instructions have been identified.
e) The different types of data processed in the programming have been identified.
f) The robot or the motion control system has been programmed.
g) Different programming languages have been used.
h) The system start-up protocol has been prepared.
4) Verification of the functioning of robots and / or movement systems:
a) An action protocol has been followed for the commissioning of a robot and / or a motion control system.
b) The sequence of operation has been verified.
c) The internal sensors have been calibrated for the positioning of a robot and / or an axis control system.
d) The response of motion control systems to anomalous situations has been verified.
e) The status of the external and internal signals and the value of the processed data have been monitored.
5) Diagnosis and repair of dysfunctions in robotic industrial environments:
a) The points susceptible to failure have been recognized.
b) Measurement and verification instrumentation have been used
c) The causes of the breakdowns have been diagnosed.
d) Faults have been located.
e) The operation of the system has been restored.
f) The fault has been documented in a system incident report.
g) The safety regulations have been taken into account.

Written exercises and test

Βοηθός/Καθηγητή Περιοχή Καθηγητή
Rosa Boix Moratal
Λίστα μαγνητοσκοπημένων παραδόσεων