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Outocomes of PRIN 2010PEA4H8. Congress on the theme: "(Processes of Analysis for Strategies of Valorization of the Urban Landscapes. Historical Places, between Conservation and Innovation)”

Rome, UNINETTUNO Telematic Lecture-Hall,Piazza Grazioli 17

On Friday, the 29th January from 9:30 to 18:00, in the Conference Hall of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, in piazza Grazioli 17, the Congress organized by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was held to conclude the national-relevant scientific research project,

The research unit of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, coordinated by Prof. Arch. Gerardo Maria Cennamo of the Engineering Faculty, investigated questions related to the processes of analysis for the valorization and regeneration of historical places, taking, as main sample of study, the area of the Jewish Ghetto of Rome, urban area of special historical and architectural importance.

The Congress aimed at expanding and deepening issues of disciplinary and professional interest, collecting the contribution of other research work and at sharing – broadly speaking – the outcomes of the activities carried out by UNINETTUNO through multidisciplinary interdisciplinary processes in which urban buildings and architectural systems plays a central role and acquires a significant role.

In the Conference Hall of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO several academicians, coming from 15 Italian Universities, exchanged their view on these issues, delivering thematic reports and giving disciplinary contributions. The Congress proceedings, 30 scientific essays and report on the research activity of the University were published by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. The Congress was held under the patronage of: ANIAI Associazione Nazionale Ingegneri e Architetti Italiani, Ordine Architetti PPC di Roma e Provincia, Ordine Architetti PPC di Napoli e Provincia.