Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


University without boundaries


  • What are Uninettuno Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

    Thanks to the UNINETTUNO MOOCs you will be able to freely follow the lectures of the best Italian and international lecturers drawn from a selection of the best courses of UNINETTUNO, in Italian, English and Arabic; you will have at your disposal digitised and indexed on-demand video lectures, usable on a PC as well as on smart phone and tablet, including hypertextual links to more-in-depth study materials (books and articles, practice work, slides, bibliographical references, lists of websites). You will also have at your disposal a collaborative discussion environment, a thematic forum by means of which you will be able to exchange views with your colleagues on the issues dealt with in the lectures, discuss the practice work done, cooperatively create new knowledge in a process that will see you active players of your own learning process.

  • How to get Credits (European Credits Transfer System) with Uninettuno MOOC

    If you have enjoyed the MOOCs experience, you can transform it into an actual asset for your academic and professional career: by enrolling in the corresponding UNINETTUNO university course, you will be included into a class and have the support of a tutor who will guide you along your learning path; you will be able to participate in a course delivery cycle, interact with professors and tutors in real time in UNINETTUNO virtual classrooms on the Web (on live streaming) or in UNINETTUNO Island of Knowledge on Second Life; the tracking of your activities on the MOOCs will be recorded and you will be acknowledged as an attending student and will be able to sit for the exam that will allow UNINETTUNO to officially assign you – in case of success – the university study credits corresponding to the selected courses, based on the Credits (European Credits Transfer System) - European Credit Transfer System, recognised by the Italian and by EU universities.

The course # of Uninettuno allows you to get # university credits according with the European System ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) and legally recognized by European and International Universities.
In order to get credits you need to study online following the Uninettuno model until the final exam.
The certification fee of the course # is # Euros that you can pay by Bank transfer to:

Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO
IBAN: IT46 G030 6905 0201 0000 0070 068
BIC BCITITMM (only for bank transfers from abroad)
(Istituto Bancario: IntesaSanPaolo SpA
Via del Corso, n. 226 00186 Roma)

Once you have paid the registration fee for the single course you will be contacted by our student secretariat to arrange your online studies.
If you prefer you can contact our student secretariat by email at to be driven into the path of registration.


Psychosocial disciplines (Academic Year 2012/2013)

Psychobiology of human behavior

Credits: 9
Available languages: EN, IT
Content language:Italian
Course description
This course offers students some fundamentals in psychophysiology, encompassing the fields of psychology and cognitive and behavioural neurosciences. The course provides an understanding of physiological processes relevant to the study of psychology. Areas of study include neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, physiological responses to memory, emotions, and cognition, and brain disorders. Psychophysiology also looks at the use of biological recording technology relevant to the study of cognition and behaviour.
This course aims at giving a better understanding on: a) the biological processes applicable to behavioral neuroscience; b) the structure and functions of the nervous system; c) the methods to investigate the brain; d) the basis of cognitive processes in humans; e) the main pathological changes (neuropsychological) of these processes, caused by injury or brain dysfunction. At the end of this course students will have the knowledge and understanding of some key aspects of living matter and the brain basics of behavior.
PART I: The organization of living matter - Atoms, ions, molecules, the main chemical bonds, water, salts, acids and bases, polar molecules, non-polar and amphipathic. - Carbohydrates and polysaccharides, lipids (triglycerides, phosphoglycerides, steroids); fluid mosaic model of the membrane. - Amino acids, peptide bond; structures primary, secondary, tertiary, and enzymes active site; regulation and inhibition of enzyme activity. - Structure and DNA replication, RNA, genetic code, the processes of transcription and translation, mitosis, meiosis. -The genetic heritage and the transmission of hereditary characteristics - Genes, mutations, alleles, recombination and genetic mapping; variability of gene expression, chromosomal aberrations, chromosomal sex and its pathologies; - Genes in populations; biological evolution, Darwinism and neo-Darwinism, evolution of Man. PART II: - Structure and function of different types of cells in the nervous system, the mechanisms by which neurons detect changes in the environment, communicate them to other neurons and command the body's responses to sensations - The general organization of the brain, the terms used to describe it and some notions related to brain development starting from the embryo, which will better help us to understand how the various parts of the adult brain are combined together - The organization of the somatosensory systems, the visual, the acoustic-vestibular, the olfactory and the gustatory and the motor system. PART III: - The evolution of the conceptions of the report "mind-brain", since the beginning of the'' 800 and how it is possible, starting from the behavior of brain-damaged patients and normal subjects, formulate hypotheses and models about the structure neuro-functional of mental processes. - The methods behavioral, electrophysiological and neuroimaging, which allow to investigate the brain basis of cognitive processes - The neural and functional organization of the main processes of short-and long-term memory and their role in human cognition. - The functional components and the neural basis of attentional processes, with particular reference to spatial attention - The organization and function of neural processes that allow the perception and recognition of animate and inanimate objects. - The processes that underlie action excetution, and their interaction with perception and motion control. - The functional structure of neural and emotional processes, and the perception and expression of emotions.
- Bear M.F., Connors B.W. Paradiso M.A. “Neuroscienze. Esplorando il cervello” Edizione italiana: 2007 III. Edizioni Masson – Elsevier. capitoli 14-18-21-24 - Ladavas E., Berti A.M. “Neuropsicologia.” Edizioni Il Mulino. Capitoli: 2-3-6-7 - A cura di Carlo Umiltà “Manuale di Neuroscienze” Edizioni Il Mulino. capitoli: 4
The exercises consist of short-response questions. You may want to respond in a short (maximum 10 lines) and concise
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Cristiano Castelfranchi, Walter Adriani
List of lessons
Franco Mangia
Franco Mangia
Fiorella Altruda
Fiorella Altruda
Fiorella Altruda
    •  Lesson n. 6: La mitosi  Go to this lesson
Fiorella Altruda
    •  Lesson n. 7: La meiosi  Go to this lesson
Fiorella Altruda
Edoardo Boncinelli
    •  Lesson n. 9: Genetica I  Go to this lesson
Edoardo Boncinelli
    •  Lesson n. 10: Genetica II  Go to this lesson
Edoardo Boncinelli
    •  Lesson n. 11: Lo sviluppo  Go to this lesson
Edoardo Boncinelli
Edoardo Boncinelli
Costanza Papagno
Costanza Papagno
Costanza Papagno
Costanza Papagno
Giuseppe Vallar
Giuseppe Vallar
Giuseppe Vallar
Costanza Papagno
    •  Lesson n. 21: L'attenzione  Go to this lesson
Luigi Pizzamiglio
Giuseppe Vallar
Giuseppe Vallar
Luigi Pizzamiglio
    •  Lesson n. 25: Le emozioni  Go to this lesson
Luigi Pizzamiglio