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UNINETTUNO in China for the LPEB Project, the aim is to training specialists in the field of energy efficiency and in sustainable development
28-05-2017 - 04-06-2017
Harbin and Dalian (China)
Starting from the 28th May to the 4th June UNINETTUNO is in China – in the frame work of the LPEB (Licence Profesionelle pour la Perfomance Énérgetique et Environnementale des Bâtiments) European Project to finalize some agreements with the Harbin Institute of Technology and the Dalian University of Technology aimed at training specialists in the field of energy efficiency in the distance mode.
UNINETTUNO at the UNESCO Conference on Digital Transformation of higher education
Mobilizing worldwide education and university stakeholders to make them launch concrete actions aimed at a digital transformation of higher education: this is the objective of the “Visionary Leadership Forum for Digital Transformation”– in which UNINETTUNO took part, being represented by Dr. Nicola Paravati, Head of International Relations – that was held on May the 24th at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, and co-organized with the ICDE and D-Transform.
“Communicating confidence and hope in the knowledge society"
UNINETTUNO, once again, opens its doors to important cultural events to give its contribution to a debate about important current issues. On May the 10th, in the framework of the “Social Communications Week” it organized the “Communicating Confidence and Hope in the Knowledge Society” Conference. An occasion to think on how can we devote space to “good and fair” news in a society that is distracted by an excessive amount of information.
Tutti i Poli Tecnologici Uninettuno riuniti a Roma per creare rete e fissare nuovi obiettivi
Si è svolto oggi l’incontro tra il Rettore dell''Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno, Maria Amata Garito e i direttori dei Poli Tecnologici dell’Ateneo. Una rete composta da 27 sedi, distribuite su tutto il territorio nazionale, da Nord a Sud.