Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

دورات في اللغات (السنة الدراسية 2017/2018)

I learn Italian - The Treasure of the Letters

لغة المحتوى:???????
وصف المادة

The course entitled “I Learn Italian” includes 80 video lessons structured in such a way as to lead even non-European languages speakers to acquire a basic knowledge of the Italian language (A2). Following the methodologies of a psycho-pedagogic model extensively tested also in the field of language teaching (and in the Arab one, in particular), the course starts with illustrating the Italian alphabet connecting it to the learning of the first lexical elements. Each one of these elements is included into an audiovisual representation and in scenarios that facilitate their memorization and well connect the language to be learnt to objects and situations of daily life in our Country. Step by step, it will introduce grammar and syntax notions, always linked to a concrete, audiovisual illustration which is also strictly referred to their relative cultural background.

المتطلبات المُسبقة

The course is designed for learners having a pour or no knowledge at all of the Italian language.

أهداف المادة

The course aims are to produce, in the learners, a suitable comprehension and production in the Italian language and to develop active writing and reading skills. The transmission of the cognitive tools needed to this end is proposed through a psycho-pedagogic model, which has being tested for many years in university teaching, in high school (to prepare for state examinations) and in the learning of the Arab language. The stated objective of the course is that of approaching even poorly literate or illiterate people to the Italian language in view of supplying language tools that are useful for their daily and working life in this Country.

  • Lessons 1-10:

    The Italian alphabet; the words whose initials illustrate each letter of the alphabet and will form a first basic vocabulary.

  • Lessons 11-28:

    The first notions on grammar related to parts of the sentence (nouns, pronouns, articles, adjectives, verbs)

  • Lessons  29- 48:

    More complex grammar notions; the first notions of syntax and applications linked to usage.

  • Lessons 49- 65:

    More complex notions on syntax (coordination and subordination) and connected grammar (verbs tenses)

  • Lessons 66-80:

    More in-depth study of vocabulary; specialized dictionaries linked to different semantic areas (medicine, clothing, cloths, art, coking); consolidation of grammar notions.


Lecture notes, including additional exercises, will be supplied.


For each video lesson there are mid-term exercises aimed at regularly assessing the learners’ progress. These exercises reproduce the contents and the teaching strategies of the video lessons themselves.

أستاذ المادة
أستاذ غير متوفر
لائحة دروس الفيديو
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
    •  درس رقم 40: 连词  إذهب إلى درس الفيديو
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli
Massimo Arcangeli