Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Fashion Retail & Luxury Management (السنة الدراسية 2017/2018)

Innovative tactis of fashion e-tailing. The application of new technology and its impact on supply chain

CFU: 10
لغة المحتوى:إنجليزي
وصف المادة
The aim of this module is to introduce and review new innovative strategies and the input of technology in terms of e-commerce.

The e-tailing is a fast growing industry, which challenges luxury brands to employ new strategies that makes e-tailing even more accessible but still translating the same identity as a store location.

This module will assess the new approaches that have been deployed in the luxury e-tailing and review new applications in terms of building brand focus, virtual environment and digital marketing through social media as well maintaining customer satisfaction.

It will also provide an analysis of the impact that new technologies play in the supply chain and the new strategies that have been applied.

المتطلبات المُسبقة
أهداف المادة
  • Identify effective strategies of fashion marketing and e-tailing
  • Understanding the purpose of creating a brand focus website
  • Critically evaluate the application of new technologies and its impact on supply chain
  • Engage critical knowledge to Identify effective strategies of fashion marketing
  • Critically evaluate the importance of e-tailing
  • Evaluate critical knowledge of the purpose of creating a brand focus website
  • Critically evaluate the application of new technologies and its impact to supply chain
أستاذ المادة
أستاذ غير متوفر
لائحة دروس الفيديو
Veronica Sartori
Antonio Sartori
Antonio Sartori
Veronica Sartori
Veronica Sartori
Veronica Sartori
Veronica Sartori
Veronica Sartori
Antonio Sartori
Veronica Sartori