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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


University without boundaries


  • What are Uninettuno Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

    Thanks to the UNINETTUNO MOOCs you will be able to freely follow the lectures of the best Italian and international lecturers drawn from a selection of the best courses of UNINETTUNO, in Italian, English and Arabic; you will have at your disposal digitised and indexed on-demand video lectures, usable on a PC as well as on smart phone and tablet, including hypertextual links to more-in-depth study materials (books and articles, practice work, slides, bibliographical references, lists of websites). You will also have at your disposal a collaborative discussion environment, a thematic forum by means of which you will be able to exchange views with your colleagues on the issues dealt with in the lectures, discuss the practice work done, cooperatively create new knowledge in a process that will see you active players of your own learning process.

  • How to get Credits (European Credits Transfer System) with Uninettuno MOOC

    If you have enjoyed the MOOCs experience, you can transform it into an actual asset for your academic and professional career: by enrolling in the corresponding UNINETTUNO university course, you will be included into a class and have the support of a tutor who will guide you along your learning path; you will be able to participate in a course delivery cycle, interact with professors and tutors in real time in UNINETTUNO virtual classrooms on the Web (on live streaming) or in UNINETTUNO Island of Knowledge on Second Life; the tracking of your activities on the MOOCs will be recorded and you will be acknowledged as an attending student and will be able to sit for the exam that will allow UNINETTUNO to officially assign you – in case of success – the university study credits corresponding to the selected courses, based on the Credits (European Credits Transfer System) - European Credit Transfer System, recognised by the Italian and by EU universities.

The course # of Uninettuno allows you to get # university credits according with the European System ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) and legally recognized by European and International Universities.
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If you prefer you can contact our student secretariat by email at info@uninettunouniversity.net to be driven into the path of registration.


Psychosocial disciplines (Academic Year 2012/2013)

Developmental psychology

Credits: 9
Available languages: EN, IT
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to present the main lines of the theoretical approaches and empirical contributions in the field of human development, with particular emphasis on the prospects that most directly recall the educational objectives of the curriculum.
We recommend the student to be in possession of the basic notions of general psychology, through the examination of cognitive psychology. However, there are no introductory and you can start your career with this discipline.
Il corso si propone di offrire allo studente le competenze teoriche per affrontare i principali modelli in psicologia dello sviluppo. Inoltre, attraverso chat tematiche e aule viruali il corso ha l'obiettivo specifico di approfondire empiricamente i costrutti di base necessari alla comprensione di specifiche fasi evolutive.
The course is divided into four thematic areas (four macro subjects): 1) Theories and Models: Lessons 1 to 5 held by Prof. Bombi (University of Rome). Will address the following topics: conditions of children and conceptions of development, historical roots of scientific psychology of development: the matrix of evolution, the functionalist perspective, the study of individual differences. Developmental psychology between common sense and science: the methods, science and common sense, research designs in developmental psychology; procedures for data collection. Key aspects of Piaget's theory, the Neo-Piagetian. Motivational theories of development: the drives by instincts and the concept of instinct and impulse, introduction to Freud, instincts and emotions. Current research trends: beyond the theories of the stages, the neo-nativism, examples of research. 2) The ecology of development: from childhood to adolescence: from 6 to 10 lessons taught by Prof. Varin (University of Milan) and 11 to 15 lessons taught by Prof. Carugati (University of Bologna). Will address the following topics: the concept of Bronfenbrenner, relational contexts and paths of development in childhood. The development of communication and language in relational contexts and socio-cultural childhood. The effects of the mass media and the conditions of social disadvantage. The development of ethical and social relational and sociocultural contexts. The socio-constructivist perspective. The cultural-historical approach to human development: historical development and individual development and the notion of proximal zone of development, cultural artifacts as tools for development of human skills. Development and socialization: the terms of the debate, the primary socialization, secondary socialization, socialization and life cycle. The construction of self and identity: the classical theory, the cognitive perspective, the psychosocial perspective, identity and adolescence. From everyday life to the construction of the cognitive tools: rules, norms and cognitive activities, search patterns: cooperative play and coordination of viewpoints, an interpretation of the dynamics of construction: the socio-cognitive conflict. Development and reasoning: the adolescent child, from formal logic to everyday reasoning, learning and reasoning. 3) Transitions and changes in the early stages of life: lessons from 16 to 23 held by Professor Barbieri (University of Trieste) and lesson 24 held by Prof. Berti (University of Padova). Will address the following topics: metamodels of developmental psychology: the mechanistic metamodel, organismic metamodel and evolutionary contextualism. The development and other forms of change. The person as an open system and self-homebuilt: living systems autopoietic, feedback features and psychological person. Processes and dynamics in the theories of evolutionary systems: stability and change. The phases over life: adolescence, young adulthood, media adulthood and advances into the world of work, marriage and Family, the middle years, old age, physical aging, general health, typical events of the last phase, aging theories emotional functioning. Communicative actions, moral norms and conventional rules. The development of the self and self-esteem: interpersonal skills, beliefs, moral values and ideology. 4) Gender roles and institutions: Insights: Lessons from 25 to 30 held by Prof. Berti (University of Padova). Will address the following topics: the development of sex differences: change, stereotypes, differences in roles. The development of concepts of economics in childhood and adolescence. The economic alphebatization and political implications of education and schooling.
Testi fondamentali (obbligatori) Lo Studente può scegliere se sostenere l'esame preparandosi sul testo: "Psicologia dello Sviluppo", disponibile in formato elettronico alla pagina www.uninettunouniversity.net/portal/it/ebookstore.aspx oppure può studiare i testi: SCHAFFER R.A., Lo sviluppo sociale, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 1998 (ovvero in alternativa MOLINARI L. Psicologia dello sviluppo sociale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002; ovvero analogo Manuale che, a valutazione dei docenti di sede, contenga le tematiche dello sviluppo sociale). STASSEN BERGER K., Lo sviluppo della persona,Zanichelli, Bologna, 1996. (Solo se lo studente avesse difficoltà a reperire il testo può usare in alternativa: A. Fonzi, Manuale di Psicologia dello Sviluppo, Giunti Editore, 2001 oppure J. Belsky, Psicologia dello Sviluppo, volume 1 e 2, Zanichelli, 2009). BERTI A.E. e BOMBI A.S., Psicologia dello sviluppo. Vol.1 - Storia, teorie e metodi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001 (ovvero analogo Manuale di Psicologia dello Sviluppo). Testo di approfondimento (facoltativo) R. VIANELLO, Psicologia dello sviluppo: infanzia, adolescenza, età adulta, età senile, Edizioni Junior, Bergamo, 2004.
Le videolezioni sono collegate ad esercizi di verifica, volti a monitorare l’apprendimento dello studente in ogni area tematica. Gli esercizi di verifica possono essere inviati al tutor, dott. Luca Cerniglia, che, se richiesto dallo studente, procederà alla correzione e fornirà una valutazione.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Massimo Ammaniti
Video professors
Prof. William Fabricius - Arizona State University (Phoenix - Arizona - USA)
List of lessons
Anna Silvia Bombi
Anna Silvia Bombi
Anna Silvia Bombi
Anna Silvia Bombi
Anna Silvia Bombi
Dario Varin
Dario Varin
Dario Varin
Dario Varin
Dario Varin
Felice Francesco Carugati
Felice Francesco Carugati
Felice Francesco Carugati
Felice Francesco Carugati
Felice Francesco Carugati
Maria Silvia Barbieri
Maria Silvia Barbieri
Maria Silvia Barbieri
Maria Silvia Barbieri
Maria Silvia Barbieri
Maria Silvia Barbieri
Maria Silvia Barbieri
Maria Silvia Barbieri
Anna Emilia Berti
Anna Emilia Berti
Anna Emilia Berti
Anna Emilia Berti
Anna Emilia Berti
Anna Emilia Berti
Anna Emilia Berti